Friday, April 27, 2012

Surprisingly hectic

I am in a background supporting my husband get his career in order. Hope some day I will be able to do more with my time and life. Till then, it is a mom struggling to let help her kids grow and succeed in life.
K2 is still in her tender years and many times she walks out of the bus crying. I am fortunate that DH makes enough to give me the luxury of being at home when she gets off the bus.
K1 is in high school and has her own world. She is struggling with her schoolmates, as it is a different group od people with her now. It is a hard life for her, I would not like to live her life or walk in her shoes. All I can do is help her as much as I can when she needs me. And love her as much as I can. It is a difficult situation she is unhappy at school and she is in her shell, she is holding back everything, I can feel her pain when she lashes out on us at home. She takes it at school and gives it all back to us. Well I am glad that I am aware of her pain. I will do anything in my power to help her get better at school and in her life.

I am excited about the summer as I will be able to take my girls to the Yoga Ashram. It is expensive and I am hoping this will be the gift they will have for rest of their life. I dream of my daughters teaching a good Yoga class as they have a great career and a happy life