Friday, July 16, 2010


I am never regular with anything other than my daily living. I eat, i sleep and my body works regularly. As i work form home and i teach at several locations i never get to be regular with anything. I don't have a set schedule to my life. I wake up use the bathroom and then it could be anything from emptying my dish-washer to sitting leisurely sipping on a cup of tea.
A lot is going on in my life and it is fast changing. Kids are growing and they are a lot of fun. Though my older one is changing with her American friends, i can see her growing with deep respect and values from her native country. She is shunning several habits that was her personality, but i know it is her transition.
With all the changing dynamics in her life i wonder how can i stay regular with anything? I am constantly deviating form my path. I look for a short time when i can be one with my laptop and sit to write something, anything. It is all such a fast paced dream. At times it is a nightmare that doesn't end. But is keeping my on toes and it catches me off guard often. I have lost everything that is regular in my life. And i miss it. Something needs to happen to make things a bit more regular, where i can sit back and know for sure what i am going to do next. I know my Yoga classes are everyday but in then sometimes i can't keep them regular too as the organizers change schedule on me. It use to annoy me initially but now i am a game to all that pops up with unexpected irregularity.
I had to go for a small business expo today but then two things changes and it all was different. Regularity from my day was thrown out.
I want to be writing regularly but i can't something comes up and I am thrown away from my seat. All I can do at this point is to keep trying and write whenever I can write...... ir/regularly.

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